The Love Of Immortality
Included in human nature is an intense love of immortality. Even, because of his power of imagination, man fancies a sort of immortality in everything he loves. He cries out from the depths of his…
Included in human nature is an intense love of immortality. Even, because of his power of imagination, man fancies a sort of immortality in everything he loves. He cries out from the depths of his…
“O Eternal One, You alone are Eternal!” By virtue of his comprehensive nature, man is connected with almost all beings. Also included in his nature is a boundless capacity to love. For these reasons, he…
The Story of Job In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. When he called upon his Lord saying: “Verily harm has afflicted me, and You are the Most Merciful of the Merciful!”(21:83) The…
Hope and Survival The supplication of (Jonah) (Peace be upon our Prophet and upon him) is a most powerful supplication, a most effective means for obtaining an answer to prayer. The gist of the celebrated…
If You Feel Sick 1) First, consider the reason for this disease. Identify the material and spiritual reasons. Think and plan about how to fix the mistakes you made, then apply them to your life.…
Eternal Diamonds I observe that the most fortunate person in this worldly life is he who sees the world as a military guest-house, and submits himself, and acts accordingly. Seeing it in this way, he…
What is Death ? Who creates death and life that He may try you, which of you is the best in conduct. (67:2) Verses like this in the All-Wise Qur’an, the Criterion of Truth and…
Heart There are certain foolish people who because they do not recognize the sun if they see it in a mirror, start to love the mirror. With intense emotion, they try to preserve the mirror…
O, man! The strangest state the All-Wise Creator has included in your nature is your inability to settle in the whole world; like someone suffocating in prison, you gasp for somewhere wider than the…
O sick person who complains about his suffering! I say to you: think of your past life and remember the pleasurable and happy days and the distressing and troublesome times. For sure, you will either…